Losing body fat is ideal for 99% of us. The number on the scale is not the issue--having a toned, healthy look is. And with the right habits and mindset, losing fat and getting closer to your ideal body is totally in reach.
[[Category:Losing Weight]]
== Steps ==
After all, more muscle means less room for fat. A pound of it takes up less physical space than fat (it's denser) and, in addition, more of it leads to an increased metabolism and a toned, fitter look.
Gaining just 5 to 10 pounds of lean muscle can work wonders for your metabolism. With a bit more tone, you'll burn more calories just sitting and watching TV. With just this small increase, you'll burn 100 more calories a day. That's a serious indulgence you're allotted every week!
It's the quickest way to burn fat.Point blank. 30 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise done at least four times a week is optimal.
You don't have to force yourself to pound the pavement in a dead sprint. Swimming, cycling, boxing, and tennis all offer effective alternatives to running and elliptical machines.
If you're not quite ready for vigorous exercise, start walking briskly on a treadmill at an uphill climb, use a stationary bike, or get acquainted with a rowing machine. You can do these at a level catered to your ability.
To lose the most weight (not fat, weight), a combination of weight training and cardio is the most effective.
Eating whole, unprocessed foods is the best way to staying on track. This means eating foods that are in their natural state -- fruit, vegetables, oats, nuts, etc. These foods often are low in calories but fill you up quickly.
Processed goods (anything even near a package) has gone through a process that eliminated the vitamins and nutrients it once had, in order to preserve it. Even health food products that are marketed to dieters fit under this category. If you have the skills and time, it's best to make your meals yourself.
If you find yourself sitting in a booth at your sister's favorite restaurant, keep portion control in mind. Often restaurants serve more than one serving in any dish; box it up and take half home with you.
Consume more protein. It won't build muscle; that's an incorrigible myth. The only way to build muscle is to work your muscles, not through changing your diet. However, it ''can'' up your metabolism and keep you satisfied longer.
It takes more calories to metabolize protein than carbs or fat. Technically, your body has to heat up more. So add lean beef, chicken breast, fish, lentils, beans, and Greek yogurt to your diet guilt-free.
Watch the source of your protein. It should come from healthier options, like nuts, and not fatty red meats. A serving of meat, poultry, or fish, should be the size and thickness of the palm of your hand. 46 grams and 56 grams of protein for women and men, respectively, is ideal for the average diet.
Lots and lots of water. Not only will it keep you feeling full, cold water can up your metaboli and the hydration is good for your energy level (and skin!).
Drink two glasses of water before every meal. You'll fill up, start losing weight, and be more likely to keep it off. Keep in mind, men need 3 liters of fluids a day and women need 2.2.
Soda, alcohol, and fruity, sugary drinks are full of empty calories. Your body doesn't register them, however, and you often feel hungry, despite the intake of calories to your system.
===Lifestyle Changes===
] Constantly burning calories is the only way to lose that stubborn fat. Luckily, it's not even mostly about genetics--you can conquer your metabolism yourself.
Stay active, build muscle, sleep, and eat often. Eating every 2-3 hours (but still eating right!) keeps your metabolism high, feeds muscle, and starves fat. Your body never even starts wondering where its next meal is going to come from, allowing it the freedom to let go of fat stores.
Exercise does amp up your metabolism, but interval training does it even more. High-intensity interval training is effective ''and'' short -- burning nine times more fat per calorie than its sustained, slower counterpart. Work out as hard as you can for 30 seconds or so, rest for a couple of minutes, and repeat 4-8 times for a quick, hardcore workout. It'll keep your metabolism running high for hours afterward.
One type of fat isn't visible: visceral fat. And we all have it. It lines our organs and provides necessary padding; unfortunately, too much can be fatal, leading to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and certain cancers, including breast cancer and colon cancer. It thrives on inactivity (not a good diet), so stay active and keep up your metabolism.
Get some rest. Skipping that much-needed shut eye can do damage to your metabolism. If you don't get enough sleep, your body may have trouble doing the easy stuff, like breathing, repairing tissue, and just pumping your blood.
In one long-term study, those who got five or fewer hours of sleep per night (or 8 or more) gained more visceral fat over the course of 5 years. While the researchers do admit that sleep isn't the only factor that determined this, it was partly to blame.
Be conscious of stressed-out eating. You're less likely to make healthy choices. If relaxing is an issue, start exercising, meditating, and asking for social support. Your friends and family can be great resources for your overall betterment.
== Tips ==
*Eat a healthy snack every 3 hours to make you feel full. This could be a whole, raw fruit, yogurt, or nuts.
*Always have a water bottle with you. You're more likely to take absent-minded swigs, defeating impending hunger.
*Fish oil has been shown to up metabolism. If you're going for the capsules, choose the kind that have at least 300 mg of EPA and DHA total.
== Warnings ==
*Be aware of obsession and eating disorders -- these can be fatal. If you think that you have a problem, consult a doctor. Both too skinny and too big are health problems.
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